We are in a world of shit...
And the shit just might power your microwave, TV, and hair-straightener...at least if you're in San Francisco.
Discovery Channel news writes, "San Francisco is hoping to convert its dog dung into energy that may be able to power everything from an electricity-generating turbine to a home stove, according to Norcal Waste Systems Inc., which oversees garbage collection, recycling and disposal for San Francisco and several other Northern California cities."
But is a bitch's shit really worth its weight in gold? According to William Brinton, president of Woods End Laboratories, Inc., who spends his time in Maine turning shit into power, "What's wonderful about dog manure is that it is very high in energy because of the rich diets we feed our pets. We anticipate that it will yield as much energy as food scraps, which can produce $20 to $30 of energy per ton of waste."
Isn't technology glorious?!?!
Check out the whole article here: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20060220/dogpoop_ani.html
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